Monday, August 23, 2010


I am running a marathon. In 20 days.

On June 12th, I decided to run a marathon on September 12th. Why? There were a couple reasons for my decisions. They ranged from my change in careers to a new challenge to marking a goal off my life list. I have never run a marathon and for some strange reason, people are surprised when they asked me if I have ever run one and my response in "NO". This is one of the 2 primary questions I am asked at least once a week. "Have you ever run a marathon?" and "Are you and Jeff going to have kids". Maybe it is one of those questions that you are asked once you reach 30.

Jeff and I set out a solid 13 weeks plan to get me ready to race. We have been working on a 3/1 schedule where I build milage for 3 weeks followed by a recovery week. We only increased milage at about 10% per week and increased the long run at the same 10% but based off time. With only 3 weeks to go, it is now time to throw in some quicker, more intense bursts of speed to sharpen up for race day.

I must admit that I underestimated how hard this type of training was going to be. I have not just run (without biking or swimming thrown in the mix) for about 9 years. Switching to running and increasing the milage has added a entirely new stress/pounding to my body that was not there when training for duathlon or triathlons. It took awhile to get used to all the running. Trying to run 60-75 miles per week is a lot of running. It is a lot of runs throughout the week. I could do a whole load of laundry with just my running clothes in 1 week. I could tell how many runs I got in during a week by counting the sports bars that were just washed.

Jeff has been so supportive during this process. He has been heading out on my longer runs with me. He has been my support crew biking with me for the runs. Every mile he has been there on the bike, handing me water, giving me a gel, letting me bitch and be crabby at mile 18, listening to me tell anyone who is listening that I want to be done running, yet I have 4 more miles. He has been an amazing husband and coach-not just during the last 13 weeks, but always.

More to come (hopefully) over the next 3 weeks
Rock On

1 comment:

  1. nice! that is exciting! i can't imagine running that kind of mileage(let alone week after week)...that's very hardcore and it pay off big time when you race.
    which marathon are you doing?
