Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Progress New Year's resolution to update the blog more often isn't really going as planned. But then again, what New Year resolutions actually stick past the first 2 weeks?! I will blame my lack of posting on work and training.

In the athletic world, my training is progressing. I asked Jeff to help coach me again this year since last year seemed to be successful. Not only do we have a successful marriage, but we have a successful coach/athlete relationship as well. I went to the track last week to complete my first MAF test of the 2010 season. I have not done a MAF test in about 9 month, so I was anxious to see where I was (or was not) based on my fitness. MAF stands for Maximum Aerobic Function. It was developed by Phil Maffetone. To perform an MAF test, you run the same distance at the heart rate every few weeks to assess where you training is at. Ideally, each time you perform the test (external factor/conditions should be minimized) you should see yourself getting faster at the same heart rate. Check out this article on MAF training. Surprisingly, it was one of my best MAF tests. 2 years ago at this time I was 45-50 sec slower at the same heart rate. That is progress.

On the biking end of things, I am making progress there as well. Sitting inside next to 2 sweating men really makes you mentally tough-especially when the spin instructors ask the class not to wear perfume. I have been trying to build up my bike frequency and have some aerobic interval in there so when I do head out on the road, my body is not in complete shock!

With swimming...well..there is no progress in that field. But I look at it as making progress in other areas (my running and biking). I have been out of the pool for about 3 months. I do miss Wolfgang and his sarcasm. I don't miss hitting the water at 5.30 am and my hair being a constant fire danger because it is so dry. I plan to go back to swimming toward the end of spring, but right now I am content leaving it behind.

Jeff and I are still in the process of pounding out a potential race schedule for this year. It will be different then then the last couple year, but I am excited. There will be some great things in 2010.

Rock On

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